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Every day we send our kids into a world that can be confusing and filled with different ideals and temptations. We try our best to protect them. We want to put a shield around them, to guard their hearts and minds. But the time will come when they are faced with circumstances where the decisions they make will be their own.

As parents we need to prepare our children for how to respond in a Christlike way when faced with temptation or difficult decisions. What did Jesus do? He quoted Scripture.

“‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4)


BG KIdz is memorizing all of Romans 12 alongside the adults in the church. 

I encourage you to take time in the car, at the dinner table to work together on memorizing the verse. We start a new verse or two at the beginning of each month. If your child can recite that month's verse they will receive $5 in BG Bucks to use in our BG store. This is just an extra incentive for them.


For toddlers and preschoolers we work on the heading of each section with sign laungage and music.