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We believe that children are a gift from God and as parents, the stewardship of that gift carries great joy and responsibility. God’s central role in the lives of parents and children is essential to growing and establishing a healthy and wholistic home. 

As a Christian parent, by dedicating a child to the Lord, you are acknowledging your need for God in your family; inviting God to be active in your family life; submitting your own desires for your child to God’s desires for him/her; making a commitment to raise your child in God’s way.

We believe that your child is not only yours, but truly a gift from God. We are earthly stewards of the life God has placed in our home. 

Some of the responsibilities the Lord has entrusted to parents include continuously praying for their children (Deuteronomy 6:4-9); instructing them in the way of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6); setting a godly example (Deuteronomy 11:19); and disciplining them as the Lord would discipline us (Proverbs 29:15, 17; 13:24). As parents, you are only able to do these things through Christ’s strength (Philippians 4:13).

This is not the day of salvation for your child. Salvation is the free gift of God, received when someone grasps their need for Christ and makes the conscious decision to enter into a relationship with God. Not only is it not salvation, it isn’t baptism either. Baptism is the public profession of faith as described above. Once a child is old enough to make a decision to accept Christ as their personal Savior, then they can make the choice to be baptized.

Because we believe that encouragement, accountability, and support for families happen best in the context of true community and lasting relationship, We  seek to share this experience with the whole church so that all the members in the congregation may be unified around a commitment to pray for, support, and encourage the family in the journey of raising Godly children. 
